Activities & Events

At The Haven Senior Living you’ll always have things to do and friends to do them with. In addition to our onsite amenities, we keep a busy schedule of activities and social events presented by on-staff life enrichment coordinators.

Our community size is tailored to provide intimate programming and activities specific to the interests of our residents. Do you have a hobby you really enjoy? Let us know! We want you to be able to do all the things that make you happy and fulfilled, just as you did before joining our community.

Recreation & Education

At The Haven Senior Living, fun is on the agenda every single day. We want you to enjoy yourself and develop strong bonds of friendship with recreational activities designed to keep everyone active and engaged. In addition to staying healthy and fit with our wellness programs, we invite you to choose from a long list of recreational activities including:


We welcome residents of all faiths and ensure their spiritual needs are met. Haven at San Gabriel welcomes a diverse combination of religious practitioners, celebrates religious holidays, and holds devotionals according to the faith traditions of the seniors in our community. All religious groups and gatherings are open to family and friends.

We also offer alternative means of spiritual support including yoga and music therapy. Just let us know what practices or traditions are essential to your spiritual journey. Here’s a sampling of what we offer in our community:

Church Services

Weekly Catholic Communion

Inspirational Readings

Prayer Groups

Religious Studies

Wellness Therapies

featuring yoga, music, horticulture, pets, & more

Have a question or want for more detail? Send us a message and one of our expert staff members will get back to you.